
class mapscript.mapObj(*args)

The MAP object


The mapObj has the following relationships:

../../../_images/mapObj_layerObj.png ../../../_images/mapObj_legendObj.png ../../../_images/mapObj_outputFormatObj.png ../../../_images/mapObj_referenceMapObj.png ../../../_images/mapObj_scalebarObj.png



double Pixel size in map units


hashTableObj immutable A hash table of configuration options from CONFIG keywords in the map - see CONFIG


char TODO - Deprecated use VALIDATION .


int See DEBUG


double Default resolution - used to calculate the scalefactor, see DEFRESOLUTION


rectObj Map extent array - see EXTENT


fontSetObj immutable See FONTSET


int See SIZE


colorObj Holds the initial image color value - see IMAGECOLOR


int TODO - Deprecated


char immutable Name of current outputformat


int TODO - Deprecated


labelCacheObj immutable We need this here so multiple feature processors can access it


int Used to modify the order in which the layers are drawn - TODO should be immutable?


legendObj immutable See LEGEND


char Path of the mapfile, all paths are relative to this path


int immutable Allocated size of layers[] array




char Small identifier for naming etc - see NAME


int immutable Number of layers in mapfile


int immutable Number of output formats available in the map


outputFormatObj immutable See OUTPUTFORMAT


queryMapObj immutable See QUERYMAP


int immutable Used for reference counting see RFC24


referenceMapObj immutable See SCALEBAR




scalebarObj immutable See SCALEBAR


double The nominal map scale, a value of 25000 means 1:25000 scale - see SCALEDENOM


char Where are the shape files located - see SHAPEPATH


char URL of SLD document as specified with "&SLD=..." WMS parameter d- currently this reference is used only in mapogcsld.c and has a NULL value outside that context


int Is map creation on or off - see STATUS


symbolSetObj immutable See SYMBOLSET


char TODO - Deprecated use VALIDATION .


The membership flag


int TODO - Deprecated


enum MS_UNITS Units of the projection - see UNITS


webObj immutable See WEB


int See SIZE


OWSDispatch(req: OWSRequest) int[źródło]

Processes and executes the passed OpenGIS Web Services request on the map. Returns MS_DONE (2) if there is no valid OWS request in the req object, MS_SUCCESS (0) if an OWS request was successfully processed and MS_FAILURE (1) if an OWS request was not successfully processed. OWS requests include WMS, WFS, WCS and SOS requests supported by MapServer. Results of a dispatched request are written to stdout and can be captured using the msIO services (i.e. mapscript.msIO_installStdoutToBuffer() and mapscript.msIO_getStdoutBufferString()


Create a new instance of mapObj. Note that the filename is optional.

appendOutputFormat(format: outputFormatObj) int[źródło]

Attach format to the map’s output format list. Returns the updated number of output formats.

applyConfigOptions() void[źródło]

Apply the defined configuration options set by setConfigOption()

applyDefaultSubstitutions() void[źródło]

Apply any default values defined in a VALIDATION block used for runtime substitutions

applySLD(sld: char) int[źródło]

Parse the SLD XML string sldxml and apply to map layers. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

applySLDURL(sld: char) int[źródło]

Fetch SLD XML from the URL sldurl and apply to map layers. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

applySubstitutions(names: char) void[źródło]

Pass in runtime substitution keys and values and apply them to the map. Note - this method is currently enabled for Python only. Typemaps are needed for other MapScript languages.

clone() mapObj[źródło]

Returns a independent copy of the map, less any caches.


In the Java module this method is named cloneMap.

convertToString() char[źródło]

Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for updateFromString.

draw() imageObj[źródło]

Draw the map, processing layers according to their defined order and status. Return an imageObj.

drawLabelCache(image: imageObj) int[źródło]

Draw map’s label cache on image. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.

drawLegend(scale_independent: int = 0) imageObj[źródło]

Draw map legend, returning an imageObj.

drawQuery() imageObj[źródło]

Draw query map, returning an imageObj.

drawReferenceMap() imageObj[źródło]

Draw reference map, returning an imageObj.

drawScalebar() imageObj[źródło]

Draw scale bar, returning an imageObj.

embedLegend(image: imageObj) int[źródło]

Embed map’s legend in image. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.

embedScalebar(image: imageObj) int[źródło]

Embed map’s legend in image. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.

freeQuery(qlayer: int = -1) void[źródło]

Clear layer query result caches. Default is -1, or all layers.

generateSLD(sldVersion: char = None) char[źródło]

Return SLD XML as a string for map layers that have STATUS on.

getConfigOption(key: char) char[źródło]

Fetches the value of the requested configuration key if set. Returns NULL if the key is not set.

getLayerOrder() PyObject[źródło]

Python MapScript only - returns the map layer order as a native sequence

getLayersDrawingOrder() intarray[źródło]

Returns an array of layer indexes in drawing order. Note Unless the proper typemap is implemented for the module’s language a user is more likely to get back an unusable SWIG pointer to the integer array.

getNumSymbols() int[źródło]

Return the number of symbols in map

getOutputFormat(i: int) outputFormatObj[źródło]

Returns the output format at the specified i index from the output formats array or null if i is beyond the array bounds. The number of outpuFormats can be retrieved by calling mapObj.getNumoutputformats().

getOutputFormatByName(name: char) outputFormatObj[źródło]

Return the output format corresponding to driver name imagetype or to format name imagetype. This works exactly the same as the IMAGETYPE directive in a mapfile, is case insensitive and allows an output format to be found either by driver (like «AGG/PNG») or name (like «png»).

getProjection() char[źródło]

Returns the PROJ definition of the map’s projection.

getRotation() double[źródło]

Returns the map rotation angle.

getSize() PyObject[źródło]

Python MapScript only - gets the map size as a tuple

getSymbolByName(name: char) int[źródło]

Return the index of the named symbol in the map’s symbolset.


This method is poorly named and too indirect. It is preferable to use the getSymbolByName method of symbolSetObj, which really does return a symbolObj reference, or use the index method of symbolSetObj to get a symbol’s index number.


Python MapScript only Return the map height from the map size


Python MapScript only Return the map width from the map size

loadMapContext(szFileName: char, useUniqueNames: int = 0) int[źródło]

Load an OGC map context file to define extents and layers of a map Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

loadOWSParameters(*args) int[źródło]

Load OWS request parameters (BBOX, LAYERS, &c.) into map. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

loadQuery(filename: char) int[źródło]

Load a saved query. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

moveLayerDown(layerindex: int) int[źródło]

Move the layer at layerindex down in the drawing order array, meaning that it is drawn later. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

moveLayerUp(layerindex: int) int[źródło]

Move the layer at layerindex up in the drawing order array, meaning that it is drawn earlier. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

offsetExtent(x: double, y: double) int[źródło]

Offset the map extent based on the given distances in map coordinates. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.

pixelToGeoref(pixPosX: double, pixPosY: double, geoPos: pointObj) void[źródło]


prepareImage() imageObj[źródło]

Returns an imageObj initialized to map extents and outputformat.

prepareQuery() void[źródło]

TODO this function only calculates the scale or am I missing something?

processLegendTemplate(names: char, values: char, numentries: int) char[źródło]

Process MapServer legend template and return HTML. Note none of the three template processing methods will be usable unless the proper typemaps are implemented in the module for the target language.Currently the typemaps are not implemented.

processQueryTemplate(names: char, values: char, numentries: int) char[źródło]

Process MapServer query template and return HTML. Note none of the three template processing methods will be usable unless the proper typemaps are implemented in the module for the target language.Currently the typemaps are not implemented.

processTemplate(bGenerateImages: int, names: char, values: char, numentries: int) char[źródło]

Process MapServer template and return HTML. Note none of the three template processing methods will be usable unless the proper typemaps are implemented in the module for the target language.Currently the typemaps are not implemented.

queryByFeatures(slayer: int) int[źródło]

Query map layers, result sets contain features that intersect or are contained within the features in the result set of the MS_LAYER_POLYGON type layer at layer index slayer. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.

queryByFilter(string: char) int[źródło]

Query map layers using the filter string. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.

queryByPoint(point: pointObj, mode: int, buffer: double) int[źródło]

Query map layers, result sets contain one or more features, depending on mode, that intersect point within a tolerance buffer. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.

queryByRect(rect: rectObj) int[źródło]

Query map layers, result sets contain features that intersect or are contained within the features in the result set of the MS_LAYER_POLYGON type layer at layer index slayer. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.

queryByShape(shape: shapeObj) int[źródło]

Query layer based on a single shape, the shape has to be a polygon at this point. Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if nothing was found or if some other error happened

removeLayer(index: int) layerObj[źródło]

Remove the layer at index. Returns the layerObj.

removeOutputFormat(name: char) int[źródło]

Removes the format named name from the map’s output format list. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

save(filename: char) int[źródło]

Save map to disk as a new map file. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

saveMapContext(szFileName: char) int[źródło]

Save map definition to disk as OGC-compliant XML. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

saveQuery(filename: char, results: int = 0) int[źródło]

Save query to disk. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

saveQueryAsGML(*args) int[źródło]

Save query to disk. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

scaleExtent(zoomfactor: double, minscaledenom: double, maxscaledenom: double) int[źródło]

Scale the map extent using the zoomfactor and ensure the extent within the minscaledenom and maxscaledenom domain. If minscaledenom and/or maxscaledenom is 0 then the parameter is not taken into account. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

selectOutputFormat(imagetype: char) void[źródło]

Set the map’s active output format to the internal format named imagetype. Built-in formats are „PNG”, „PNG24”, „JPEG”, „GIF”, „GTIFF”.

setCenter(center: pointObj) int[źródło]

Set the map center to the given map point. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.

setConfigOption(key: char, value: char) void[źródło]

Set the indicated key configuration option to the indicated value. Equivalent to including a CONFIG keyword in a map file.

setExtent(minx: double, miny: double, maxx: double, maxy: double) int[źródło]

Set the map extent, returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE. This method will correct the extents (width/height ratio) before setting the minx, miny, maxx, maxy values. See extent properties to set up a custom extent from rectObj.

setFontSet(filename: char) int[źródło]
. Load fonts defined in filename into map fontset. The existing fontset is cleared.


setImageType(imagetype: char) void[źródło]

Sets map outputformat to the named format.


mapObj.setImageType() remains in the module but its use is deprecated in favor of mapObj.selectOutputFormat().

setLayerOrder(order: PyObject) int[źródło]

Python MapScript only - sets the map layer order using a native sequence

setLayersDrawingOrder(panIndexes: int) int[źródło]

Set map layer drawing order. Note Unless the proper typemap is implemented for the module’s language users will not be able to pass arrays or lists to this method and it will be unusable.

setOutputFormat(format: outputFormatObj) void[źródło]

Sets map outputformat.

setProjection(proj4: char) int[źródło]

Set map projection from PROJ definition string proj4.

setRotation(rotation_angle: double) int[źródło]

Set map rotation angle. The map view rectangle (specified in EXTENTS) will be rotated by the indicated angle in the counter- clockwise direction. Note that this implies the rendered map will be rotated by the angle in the clockwise direction.


setSize(width: int, height: int) int[źródło]
setSymbolSet(szFileName: char) int[źródło]

Load symbols defined in filename into map symbolset. The existing symbolset is cleared. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

setWKTProjection(wkt: char) int[źródło]

Sets map projection from OGC definition wkt.


Python MapScript only Set the map height value of the map size


Python MapScript only Set the map width value of the map size

zoomPoint(zoomfactor: int, poPixPos: pointObj, width: int, height: int, poGeorefExt: rectObj, poMaxGeorefExt: rectObj) int[źródło]

Zoom by the given factor to a pixel position within the width and height bounds. If max_extent is not NULL, the zoom is constrained to the max_extents


zoomRectangle(poPixRect: rectObj, width: int, height: int, poGeorefExt: rectObj, poMaxGeorefExt: rectObj) int[źródło]

Set the map extents to a given extents. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE on error

zoomScale(scale: double, poPixPos: pointObj, width: int, height: int, poGeorefExt: rectObj, poMaxGeorefExt: rectObj) int[źródło]

Zoom by the given factor to a pixel position within the width and height bounds. If max_extent is not NULL, the zoom is constrained to the max_extents