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MS RFC 86: Scale-dependant String Substitutions

Author:Thomas Bonfort
Version:MapServer 6.4

1. Overview

MapServer has the ability to use multiple layers with MINSCALE/MAXSCALE filtering GROUP’d together when the need for scale-dependant datasources arises, e.g. like:

  NAME "roads_far"
  GROUP "roads"
  MINSCALE 100000
  DATA "the_geom from roads_far"
  NAME "roads_close"
  GROUP "roads"
  MAXSCALE 100000
  DATA "the_geom from roads_close"

While this solution works, it has the inconvenience of necessitating a duplication of the symbology throughout multiple layers, and may require some tweaking in order to hide the multiple layers in capabilities documents.

The current RFC proposes to mimic our current runtime-substitution mechanism to replace tokens inside a layer’s DATA statement. Instead of using an url parameter to accomplish the replacements, the token is replaced by a value that is dependant on the current map scale.

2. Proposed solution

Examples are worth a thousand words here...

2.1. Example 1

    NAME "%priority%"
      "0" "1"
      "1000" "2"
      "10000" "3"
  DATA "the_geom from mytable_%priority%"  #data comes from a specific table
  DATA "/path/to/roads_%priority%.shp"  #data comes from a specific shapefile
  DATA "the_geom_%priority% from roads" #data comes from a specific column in the table
  DATA "the_geom_%priority% from (select * from roads where priority > %priority%) as foo" #data is filtered

In the previous example, %priority% would be replaced by:

  • “1” for scales under 1,000 , giving:

    DATA "the_geom from mytable_1"
    DATA "/path/to/roads_1.shp"
    DATA "the_geom_1 from roads"
    DATA "the_geom_1 from (select * from roads where priority > 1) as foo"
  • “2” for scales between 1,000 and 10,000

    DATA "the_geom from mytable_2"
    DATA "/path/to/roads_2.shp"
    DATA "the_geom_2 from roads"
    DATA "the_geom_2 from (select * from roads where priority > 2) as foo"
  • “3” for scales over 10,000

    DATA "the_geom from mytable_3"
    DATA "/path/to/roads_3.shp"
    DATA "the_geom_3 from roads"
    DATA "the_geom_3 from (select * from roads where priority > 3) as foo"

2.2 Example 2

    NAME "%table%"
      "0" "roads"
      "1000" "roads_gen_1"
      "10000" "roads_gen_0"
  DATA "the_geom from %table%"  #data comes from a specific table
  DATA "/path/to/%table%.shp"  #data comes from a specific shapefile

In the previous example, %table% would be replaced by:

  • “roads” for scales under 1,000 , giving:

    DATA "the_geom from roads"
    DATA "/path/to/roads.shp"
  • “roads_gen_1” for scales between 1,000 and 10,000

    DATA "the_geom from roads_gen_1"
    DATA "/path/to/roads_gen_1.shp"
  • “roads_gen_0” for scales over 10,000

    DATA "the_geom from roads_gen_0"
    DATA "/path/to/roads_gen_0.shp"

2.3 Example 3

    NAME "%filter%"
      "0" ""
      "1000" "where type in ('motorway','trunk','primary')"
      "10000" "where type='motorway'"
  DATA "the_geom from (select * from roads %filter%) as foo"

In the previous example, %filter% would be replaced by:

  • nothing for scales under 1,000 , giving:

    DATA "the_geom from (select * from roads) as foo"
  • “where type in (‘motorway’,’trunk’,’primary’)” for scales between 1,000 and 10,000

    DATA "the_geom from (select * from roads where type in ('motorway','trunk','primary')) as foo"
  • “where type=’motorway’” for scales over 10,000

    DATA "the_geom from (select * from roads where type='motorway') as foo"

2.4 Discussion

  • Multiple tokens can be used for a single layer, e.g for applying a filter and hitting generalized tables.
  • Inside the VALUES block, the first scale entry must be “0”, and entries must be in ascending order.
  • The examples use the “%keyname%” notation in order to mimic MapServer’s existing url runtime substitutions. The “%...%” notation is not enforced, the code does a simple string replacement. (i.e. “priority” or “#table#” are valid VALUES, provided the “priority” or “#table#” substrings appear in the DATA statements.
  • Scale dependant substitutions would apply to the layer’s DATA, TILEINDEX, TILEITEM, FILTERITEM and FILTER. Applying it to other elements might make sense, but is more involved in terms of impact to the code. Scale-dependant substitutions on FILTER may be incompatible with filters set through MapServer’s WFS filter handling.
  • Bug 3150 discusses the need for such a substitution, but is much more limited in scope.
  • It might be desirable to provide SCALETOKEN entries at the MAP level (and not only LAYER level) in case the token has the vocation of being replaced in multiple layers. MAP level SCALETOKEN will not be present in the initial implementation.
  • Provide a default token to use when scale is irrelevant (queries...)

3. Implementation Details

3.1 Overview

  • layerObj gets a new member containing the scale dependant tokens applicable.
  • the actual struct to use to represent a given token:
typedef struct {
  double minscale;
  double maxscale;
  char* value;
} scaleTokenEntryObj;

typedef struct {
  char* name;
  char* default_value;
  int n_entries;
  scaleTokenEntryObj* tokens;
} scaleTokenObj;

struct layerObj {
   scaleTokenObj* tokens;
   int numscaletokens;

   char* orig_data;
   char* orig_tileindex;
   char* orig_tileitem;
   ... etc ...
  • in msLayerOpen(), replace tokens inside layerObj->data, layerObj->tileindex, etc... The original layerObj->data is stored beforehand in layerObj->orig_data, and is restored in msLayerClose()
  • For the special case of layerObj->filter, msLoadExpressionString() is called on the substituted text in order to update the expressionObj. Likewise, it is called in msLayerClose() when the original filter is restored.

3.2 Files affected

The following files will be modified/created by this RFC:

  • mapserver.h/mapfile.c: layerObj members, mapfile keywords
  • mapcopy.c/mapfile.c: copy functions, write-to-file functions
  • maplayer.c: call to token replacements inside msLayerOpen(), eventually msLayerClose(). Add function to appply the substitutions depending on current scale..
  • maplexer.l: parser keywords

3.3 MapScript

add getters/setters on layer scaletokens

3.4 Backwards Compatibilty Issues

This change provides a new functionality with no backwards compatibility issues being considered.

4. Security implications

The tokens are defined in the mapfile and are not overridable by url, thus implying no more risk of sql injection or file system traversal than a classical DATA statement.

4. Performance implications

The token replacement is only done in msLayerOpen(), the performance impact should be negligeable as this happens only once per rendered layer.

6. Voting history

+1 from ThomasB, MikeS, TomK, DanielM, JeffM, SteveL, SteveW and PerryN