SWIG MapScript API Reference

Author:Sean Gillies
Author:Steve Lime
Contact:steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Author:Frank Warmerdam
Contact:warmerdam at pobox.com
Author:Umberto Nicoletti
Contact:umberto.nicoletti at gmail.com
Author:Tamas Szekeres
Contact:szekerest at gmail.com
Author:Daniel Morissette
Contact:dmorisette at mapgears.com
Last Updated:2015-05-21


This is language agnostic documentation for the mapscript interface to MapServer generated by SWIG. This document is intended for developers and to serve as a reference for writers of more extensive, language specific documentation in DocBook format for the MDP.


Language-specific extensions are described in the following appendices

Python MapScript Appendix

Documentation Elements

Classes will be documented in alphabetical order in the manner outlined below. Attributes and methods will be formatted as definition lists with the attribute or method as item, the type or return type as classifier, and a concise description. To make the document as agnostic as possible, we refer to the following types: int, float, and string. There are yet no mapscript methods that return arrays or sequences or accept array or sequence arguments.

We will use the SWIG term immutable to indicate that an attribute’s value is read-only.


A paragraph or two about class fooObj.

fooObj Attributes

attribute : type [access]
Concise description of the attribute.

Attribute name are completely lower case. Multiple words are packed together like outlinecolor.

Note that because of the way that mapscript is generated many confusing, meaningless, and even dangerous attributes might be exposed by objects.

fooObj Methods

method(type mandatory_parameter [, type optional_parameter=default]) : type
Description of the method including elaboration on the method arguments, the method’s actions, and returned values. Optional parameters and their default values are enclosed in brackets.

might be exposed byClass method names are camel case with a leading lower case character like getExpressionString.

Additional Documentation

There’s no point in duplicating the MapServer Mapfile Reference, which remains the primary reference for mapscript class attributes.

MapScript Constants

The constants are ordered alphabetically within each group.


Name Type
MS_VERSION character

Logical Control - Boolean Values

Name Type
MS_FALSE integer
MS_NO integer
MS_OFF integer
MS_ON integer
MS_TRUE integer
MS_YES integer

Logical Control - Status Values

Name Type
MS_DEFAULT integer
MS_DELETE integer
MS_EMBED integer

Map Units

Name Type
MS_DD integer
MS_FEET integer
MS_INCHES integer
MS_METERS integer
MS_MILES integer
MS_PIXELS integer

Layer Types

Name Type
MS_LAYER_ANNOTATION (deprecated since 6.2) integer

Label Positions

Name Type
MS_AUTO integer
MS_CC integer
MS_CL integer
MS_CR integer
MS_LC integer
MS_LL integer
MS_LR integer
MS_UC integer
MS_UL integer
MS_UR integer

Label Size (Bitmap only)

Name Type
MS_GIANT integer
MS_LARGE integer
MS_MEDIUM integer
MS_SMALL integer
MS_TINY integer

Shape Types

Name Type

Measured Shape Types

Name Type
MS_SHP_ARCM integer

Shapefile Types

Name Type

Query Types

Name Type
MS_SINGLE integer

File Types

Name Type
MS_FILE_MAP integer

Querymap Styles

Name Type
MS_HILITE integer
MS_NORMAL integer

Connection Types

Name Typ
MS_INLINE integer
MS_MYGIS integer
MS_OGR integer
MS_POSTGIS integer
MS_RASTER integer
MS_SDE integer
MS_WFS integer
MS_WMS integer

DB Connection Types

Name Type
MS_DB_CSV integer
MS_DB_MYSQL integer
MS_DB_ORACLE integer
MS_DB_XBASE integer

Join Types

Name Type

Line Join Types (for rendering)

Name Type
MS_CJC_BEVEL integer
MS_CJC_BUTT integer
MS_CJC_MITER integer
MS_CJC_NONE integer
MS_CJC_ROUND integer

Image Types

Name Type
GD/GIF integer
GD/JPEG integer
GD/PNG integer
GD/PNG24 integer
GD/WBMP integer
GDAL/GTiff integer
imagemap integer
pdf integer
swf integer

Image Modes

Name Type
MS_GD_ALPHA integer
MS_IMAGEMODE_PC256 integer

Symbol Types

Name Type

Return Codes

Name Type
MS_DONE integer
MS_FAILURE integer
MS_SUCCESS integer


Name Type

Error Return Codes

Name Type

MapScript Functions

msCleanup() : void
msCleanup() attempts to recover all dynamically allocated resources allocated by MapServer code and dependent libraries. It it used primarily for final cleanup in scripts that need to do memory leak testing to get rid of “noise” one-time allocations. It should not normally be used by production code.
msGetVersion() : string
Returns a string containing MapServer version information, and details on what optional components are built in. The same report as produced by “mapserv -v”.
msGetVersionInt() : int
Returns the MapServer version number (x.y.z) as an integer (x*10000 + y*100 + z). (New in v5.0) e.g. V5.4.3 would return 50403.
msIO_getStdoutBufferBytes() : binary data
Fetch the current stdout buffer contents as a binary buffer. The exact form of this buffer will vary by mapscript language (eg. string in Python, byte[] array in Java and C#, unhandled in perl)
msIO_getStdoutBufferString() : string
Fetch the current stdout buffer contents as a string. This method does not clear the buffer.
msIO_installStdinFromBuffer() : void
Installs a mapserver IO handler directing future stdin reading (ie. post request capture) to come from a buffer.
msIO_installStdoutToBuffer() : void
Installs a mapserver IO handler directing future stdout output to a memory buffer.
msIO_resetHandlers() : void
Resets the default stdin and stdout handlers in place of “buffer” based handlers.
msIO_stripStdoutBufferContentHeaders(): void
Strip all Content-* headers off the stdout buffer if it has ones.
msIO_stripStdoutBufferContentType() : string
Strip the Content-type header off the stdout buffer if it has one, and if a content type is found it is return (otherwise NULL/None/etc).
msResetErrorList() : void
Clears the current error stack.

MapScript Classes


An instance of classObj is associated with with one instance of layerObj:

+-------+ 0..*     1 +-------+
| Class | <--------> | Layer |
+-------+            +-------+

The other important associations for classObj are with styleObj, labelObj, and hashTableObj:

+-------+ 1     0..* +-------+
| Class | ---------> | Style |
+-------+            +-------+

+-------+ 1     0..* +-------+
| Class | ---------> | Label |
+-------+            +-------+

+-------+ 1        1 +-----------+
| Class | ---------> | HashTable |
+-------+            |    --     |
                     | metadata  |

Multiple class styles have been supported since 4.1, and multiple class labels since 6.2. See the styleObj section for details on use of multiple class styles.

classObj Attributes

debug : int
keyimage : string
TODO Not sure what this attribute is for
label : labelObj immutable
Definition of class labeling. Removed (6.2) - use addLabel, getLabel and removeLabel instead.
layer : layerObj immutable
Reference to the parent layer
maxscaledenom : float
The minimum scale at which class is drawn
metadata : hashTableObj immutable
class metadata hash table.
minscaledenom : float
The maximum scale at which class is drawn
name : string
Unique within a layer
numlabels : int

Number of labels for class.

Нове в версії 6.2.

numstyles : int
Number of styles for class. In the future, probably the 4.4 release, this attribute will be made immutable.
status : int
MS_ON or MS_OFF. Draw features of this class or do not.
template : string
Template for queries
title : string
Text used for legend labeling
type : int
The layer type of its parent layer

classObj Methods

new classObj( [ layerObj parent_layer=NULL ] ) : classObj
Create a new child classObj instance at the tail (highest index) of the class array of the parent_layer. A class can be created outside the context of a parent layer by omitting the single constructor argument.
addLabel( labelObj ) : int

Add a labelObj to the classObj and return its index in the labels array.

Нове в версії 6.2.

clone( ) : classObj
Return an independent copy of the class without a parent layer.
convertToString() : string
Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for updateFromString. .. versionadded:: 6.4
createLegendIcon( mapObj map, layerObj layer, int width, int height ) : imageObj
Draw and return a new legend icon.
drawLegendIcon( mapObj map, layerObj layer, int width, int height, imageObj image, int dstx, int dsty ) : int
Draw the legend icon onto image at dstx, dsty. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
getExpressionString() : string
Return a string representation of the expression enclosed in the quote characters appropriate to the expression type.
getFirstMetaDataKey() : string

Returns the first key in the metadata hash table. With getNextMetaDataKey(), provides an opaque iterator over keys.


getFirstMetaDataKey(), getMetaData(), and getNextMetaDataKey() are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Replaced by direct metadata access, see hashTableObj.

getLabel( int index ) : labelObj

Return a reference to the labelObj at index in the labels array.

See the labelObj section for more details on multiple class labels.

Нове в версії 6.2.

getMetaData( string key ) : string

Return the value of the classObj metadata at key.


getFirstMetaDataKey(), getMetaData(), and getNextMetaDataKey() are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Replaced by direct metadata access, see hashTableObj.

getNextMetaDataKey( string lastkey ) : string

Returns the next key in the metadata hash table or NULL if lastkey is the last valid key. If lastkey is NULL, returns the first key of the metadata hash table.


getFirstMetaDataKey(), getMetaData(), and getNextMetaDataKey() are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Replaced by direct metadata access, see hashTableObj.

getStyle( int index ) : styleObj

Return a reference to the styleObj at index in the styles array.

See the styleObj section for more details on multiple class styles.

getTextString() : string
Return a string representation of the text enclosed in the quote characters appropriate to the text expression type (logical or simple string).
insertStyle( styleObj style [, int index=-1 ] ) : int
Insert a copy of style into the styles array at index index. Default is -1, or the end of the array. Returns the index at which the style was inserted.
moveStyleDown( int index ) : int
Swap the styleObj at index with the styleObj index + 1.
moveStyleUp( int index ) : int
Swap the styleObj at index with the styleObj index - 1.
removeLabel( int index ) : labelObj

Remove the labelObj at index from the labels array and return a reference to the labelObj. numlabels is decremented, and the array is updated.

Нове в версії 6.2.

removeStyle( int index ) : styleObj
Remove the styleObj at index from the styles array and return a copy.
setExpression( string expression ) : int
Set expression string where expression is a MapServer regular, logical or string expression. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILUIRE.
setMetaData( string key, string value ) : int

Insert value into the classObj metadata at key. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.


setMetaData() is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Replaced by direct metadata access, see hashTableObj.

setText( string text ) : int

Set text string where text is a MapServer text expression. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILUIRE.


Older versions of MapScript (pre-4.8) featured the an undocumented setText() method that required a layerObj be passed as the first argument. That argument was completely bogus and has been removed.


Since the 4.0 release, MapServer colors are instances of colorObj. A colorObj may be a lone object or an attribute of other objects and have no other associations.

colorObj Attributes

alpha : int
Alpha (opacity) component of color in range [0-255]
blue : int
Blue component of color in range [0-255]
green : int
Green component of color in range [0-255]
red : int
Red component of color in range [0-255]

colorObj Methods

new colorObj( [ int red=0, int green=0, int blue=0, int alpha=255 ] ) : colorObj
Create a new instance. The color arguments are optional.
setHex( string hexcolor ) : int
Set the color to values specified in case-independent hexadecimal notation. hex must start with a ‘#’ followed by three or four hex bytes, e.g. ‘#ffffff’ or ‘#ffffffff’. If only three hex bytes are supplied, the alpha will be set to 255. Calling setHex(‘#ffffff’) therefore assigns values of 255 to each color component, including the alpha. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setRGB( int red, int green, int blue, int alpha=255 ) : int
Set all four RGBA components. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
toHex() : string
Complement to setHex, returning a hexadecimal representation of the color components. If alpha is 255 then this is three hex bytes “#rrggbb”, otherwise four hex bytes “#rrggbbaa”.


This class allows inspection of the MapServer error stack. Only needed for the Perl module as the other language modules expose the error stack through exceptions.

errorObj Attributes

code : int
MapServer error code such as MS_IMGERR (1).
message : string
Context-dependent error message.
routine : string
MapServer function in which the error was set.

errorObj Methods

next : errorObj
Returns the next error in the stack or NULL if the end has been reached.


A fontSetObj is always a ‘fontset’ attribute of a mapObj.

fontSetObj Attributes

filename : string immutable
Path to the fontset file on disk.
fonts : hashTableObj immutable
Mapping of fonts.
numfonts : int immutable
Number of fonts in set.

fontSetObj Methods



A hashTableObj is a very simple mapping of case-insensitive string keys to single string values. Map, Layer, and Class metadata have always been hash hables and now these are exposed directly. This is a limited hash that can contain no more than 41 values.

hashTableObj Attributes

numitems : int immutable
Number of hash items.

hashTableObj Methods

clear( ) : void
Empties the table of all items.
get( string key [, string default=NULL ] ) : string
Returns the value of the item by its key, or default if the key does not exist.
nextKey( [string key=NULL] ) : string
Returns the name of the next key or NULL if there is no valid next key. If the input key is NULL, returns the first key.
remove( string key ) : int
Removes the hash item by its key. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
set( string key, string value ) : int
Sets a hash item. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.


An image object is a wrapper for GD and GDAL images.

imageObj Attributes

format : outputFormatObj immutable
Image format.
height : int immutable
Image height in pixels.
imagepath : string immutable
If image is drawn by mapObj.draw(), this is the mapObj’s web.imagepath.
imageurl : string immutable
If image is drawn by mapObj.draw(), this is the mapObj’s web.imageurl.
renderer : int
size : int immutable

To access this attribute use the getSize method.


the getSize method is inefficient as it does a call to getBytes and then computes the size of the byte array. The bytearray is then immediately discarded. In most cases it is more efficient to call getBytes directly.

width : int immutable
Image width in pixels.

imageObj Methods

new imageObj( int width, int height [, outputFormatObj format=NULL [, string filename=NULL ] ] ) : imageObj
Create new instance of imageObj. If filename is specified, an imageObj is created from the file and any specified width, height, and format parameters will be overridden by values of the image in filename. Otherwise, if format is specified an imageObj is created using that format. See the format attribute above for details. If filename is not specified, then width and height should be specified.
getBytes() : binary data
Returns the image contents as a binary buffer. The exact form of this buffer will vary by mapscript language (eg. string in Python, byte[] array in Java and C#, unhandled in perl)
getSize() : int

Resturns the size of the binary buffer representing the image buffer.


the getSize method is inefficient as it does a call to getBytes and then computes the size of the byte array. The byte array is then immediately discarded. In most cases it is more efficient to call getBytes directly.

save( string filename [, mapObj parent_map=NULL ] ) : int
Save image to filename. The optional parent_map parameter must be specified if saving GeoTIFF images.
write( [ FILE file=NULL ] ) : int

Write image data to an open file descriptor or, by default, to stdout. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.


This method is current enabled for Python and C# only. C# supports writing onto a Stream object. User-contributed typemaps are needed for Perl, Ruby, and Java.


The free() method of imageObj has been deprecated. In MapServer revisions 4+ all instances of imageObj will be properly disposed of by the interpreter’s garabage collector. If the application can’t wait for garabage collection, then the instance can simply be deleted or undef’d.


An intarray is a utility class generated by SWIG useful for manipulating map layer drawing order. See mapObj::getLayersDrawingOrder for discussion of mapscript use and see http://www.swig.org/Doc1.3/Library.html#Library_nn5 for a complete reference.

intarray Attributes


intarray Methods

new intarray( int numitems ) : intarray
Returns a new instance of the specified length.


An individual feature label. The labelCacheMemberObj class is associated with labelCacheObj:

+------------------+ 0..*     1 +------------+
| LabelCacheMember | <--------- | LabelCache |
+------------------+            +------------+

labelCacheMemberObj Attributes

classindex : int immutable
Index of the class of the labeled feature.
featuresize : float immutable
label : labelObj immutable
Copied from the class of the labeled feature.
layerindex : int immutable
The index of the layer of the labeled feature.
numstyles : int immutable
Number of styles as for the class of the labeled feature.
point : pointObj immutable
Label point.
poly : shapeObj immutable
Label bounding box.
shapeindex : int immutable
Index within shapefile of the labeled feature.
status : int immutable
Has the label been drawn or not?
styles : styleObj immutable
TODO this should be protected from SWIG.
text : string immutable
Label text.
tileindex : int immutable
Tileindex of the layer of the labeled feature.

labelCacheMemberObj Methods



No real scripting control over labeling currently, but there may be some interesting new possibilities if users have control over labeling text, position, and status.


Set of a map’s cached labels. Has no other existence other than as a ‘labelcache’ attribute of a mapObj. Associated with labelCacheMemberObj and markerCacheMemberObj:

+------------+ 1     0..* +-------------------+
| LabelCache | ---------> | LabelCacheMember  |
+------------+            + ----------------- +
                          | MarkerCacheMember |

labelCacheObj Attributes

cachesize : int immutable
markercachesize : int immutable
numlabels : int immutable
Number of label members.
nummarkers : int immutable
Number of marker members.

labelCacheObj Methods

freeCache( ) : void
Free the labelcache.


A labelObj is associated with a classObj, a scalebarObj, or a legendObj:

+-------+ 0..1     1 +----------+
| Label | <--------- | Scalebar |
+-------+            | -------- |
                     | Legend   |

+-------+ 0..*     1 +-------+
| Label | <--------- | Class |
+-------+            +-------+

An instance of labelObj can exist outside of a classObj container and be explicitly inserted into the classObj:

new_label = new labelObj()

labelObj Attributes

angle : float
antialias : int
autoangle : int
autofollow : int
MS_TRUE or MS_FALSE. Tells mapserver to compute a curved label for appropriate linear features (see MS RFC 11: Support for Curved Labels for specifics).
autominfeaturesize: int
backgroundcolor : colorObj

Color of background rectangle or billboard.

Застаріло починаючи з версії 6.0: Use styleObj and geomtransform.

backgroundshadowcolor : colorObj

Color of background rectangle or billboard shadow.

Застаріло починаючи з версії 6.0: Use styleObj and geomtransform.

backgroundshadowsizex : int

Horizontal offset of drop shadow in pixels.

Застаріло починаючи з версії 6.0: Use styleObj and geomtransform.

backgroundshadowsizey : int

Vertical offset of drop shadow in pixels.

Застаріло починаючи з версії 6.0: Use styleObj and geomtransform.

buffer : int
Maybe this should’ve been named ‘padding’ since that’s what it is: padding in pixels around a label.
color : colorObj
Foreground color.
encoding : string
Supported encoding format to be used for labels. If the format is not supported, the label will not be drawn. Requires the iconv library (present on most systems). The library is always detected if present on the system, but if not the label will not be drawn. Required for displaying international characters in MapServer. More information can be found at: http://www.foss4g.org/FOSS4G/MAPSERVER/mpsnf-i18n-en.html.
font : string
Name of TrueType font.
force : int
maxsize : int
Maximum height in pixels for scaled labels. See symbolscale attribute of layerObj.
mindistance : int
Minimum distance in pixels between duplicate labels.
minfeaturesize : int
Features of this size of greater will be labeled.
minsize : int
Minimum height in pixels.
numstyles : int
Number of label styles
offsetx : int
Horizontal offset of label.
offsety : int
Vertical offset of label.
outlinecolor : colorObj
Color of one point outline.
partials : int
MS_TRUE (default) or MS_FALSE. Whether or not labels can flow past the map edges.
position : int
shadowcolor : colorObj
Color of drop shadow.
shadowsizex : int
Horizontal offset of drop shadow in pixels.
shadowsizey : int
Vertical offset of drop shadow in pixels.
size : int
Annotation height in pixels.

type : removed in version 7.0. All labels are truetype.

wrap : string
Character on which legend text will be broken to make multi-line legends.

labelObj Methods

convertToString() : string
Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for updateFromString. .. versionadded:: 6.4
getBinding( int binding ) : string
Get the attribute binding for a specified label property. Returns NULL if there is no binding for this property.
getExpressionString( ) : string
Returns the label expression string.
getStyle( int index ) : styleObj
Return a reference to the styleObj at index in the styles array.
getTextString( ) : string
Returns the label text string.
insertStyle( styleObj style [, int index=-1 ] ) : int
Insert a copy of style into the styles array at index index. Default is -1, or the end of the array. Returns the index at which the style was inserted.
moveStyleDown( int index ) : int
Swap the styleObj at index with the styleObj index + 1.
moveStyleUp( int index ) : int
Swap the styleObj at index with the styleObj index - 1.
removeBinding( int binding ) : int
Remove the attribute binding for a specfiled label property.
removeStyle( int index ) : styleObj
Remove the styleObj at index from the styles array and return a copy.
setBinding ( int binding, string item ) : int

Set the attribute binding for a specified label property. Binding constants look like this: MS_LABEL_BINDING_[attribute name]:

setExpression( string expression ) : int
Set the label expression.
setText( string text ) : int
Set the label text.
updateFromString ( string snippet ) : int
Update a label from a string snippet. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.


A layerObj is associated with mapObj. In the most recent revision, an intance of layerObj can exist outside of a mapObj:

+-------+ 0..*  0..1 +-----+
| Layer | <--------> | Map |
+-------+            +-----+

The other important association for layerObj is with classObj:

+-------+ 1     0..* +-------+
| Layer | <--------> | Class |
+-------+            +-------+

and hashTableObj:

+-------+ 1        1 +-----------+
| Layer | ---------> | HashTable |
+-------+            |    --     |
                     | metadata  |

layerObj Attributes

bandsitem : string
The attribute from the index file used to select the source raster band(s) to be used. Normally NULL for default bands processing.
classitem : string
The attribute used to classify layer data.
connection : string
Layer connection or DSN.
connectiontype : int
See MS_CONNECTION_TYPE in mapserver.h for possible values. When setting the connection type setConnectionType() should be used in order to initialize the layer vtable properly.
data : string
Layer data definition, values depend upon connectiontype.
debug : int
Enable debugging of layer. MS_ON or MS_OFF (default).
dump : int

Since 6.0, dump is not available anymore. metadata is used instead.

Switch to allow mapserver to return data in GML format. MS_TRUE or MS_FALSE. Default is MS_FALSE.

Застаріло починаючи з версії 6.0: metadata is used instead.

extent : rectObj
optional limiting extent for layer features.
filteritem : string
Attribute defining filter.
footer : string
group : string
Name of a group of layers.
header : string
index : int immutable
Index of layer within parent map’s layers array.
labelangleitem : string
Attribute defining label angle.
labelcache : int
MS_ON or MS_OFF. Default is MS_ON.
labelitem : string
Attribute defining feature label text.
labelmaxscaledenom : float
Minimum scale at which layer will be labeled.
labelminscaledenom : float
Maximum scale at which layer will be labeled.
labelrequires : string
Logical expression.
labelsizeitem : string
Attribute defining label size.
map : mapObj immutable
Reference to parent map.
mask : string
Layer name for masking. (MS RFC 79: Layer Masking)
maxfeatures : int
Maximum number of layer features that will be drawn. For shapefile data this means the first N features where N = maxfeatures.
maxscaledenom : float
Minimum scale at which layer will be drawn.
metadata : hashTableObj immutable
Layer metadata.
minscaledenom : float
Maximum scale at which layer will be drawn.
name : string
Unique identifier for layer.
numclasses : int immutable
Number of layer classes.
numitems : int immutable
Number of layer feature attributes (items).
numjoins : int immutable
Number of layer joins.
numprocessing : int immutable
Number of raster processing directives.
offsite : colorObj
transparent pixel value for raster layers.
opacity : int
Layer opacity percentage in range [0, 100]. The special value of MS_GD_ALPHA (1000) indicates that the alpha transparency of pixmap symbols should be honored, and should be used only for layers that use RGBA pixmap symbols.
postlabelcache : int
requires : string
Logical expression.
sizeunits : int
status : int
styleitem : string
Attribute defining styles.
symbolscaledenom : float
Scale at which symbols are default size.
template : string
Template file. Note that for historical reasons, the query attribute must be non-NULL for a layer to be queryable.
tileindex : string
Layer index file for tiling support.
tileitem : string
Attribute defining tile paths.
tolerance : float
Search buffer for point and line queries.
toleranceunits : int
transform : int
Whether or not layer data is to be transformed to image units. MS_TRUE or MS_FALSE. Default is MS_TRUE. Case of MS_FALSE is for data that are in image coordinates such as annotation points.
type : int
See MS_LAYER_TYPE in mapserver.h.
units : int
Units of the layer. See MS_UNITS in mapserver.h.

layerObj Methods

new layerObj( [ mapObj parent_map=NULL ] ) : layerObj
Create a new layerObj in parent_map. The layer index of the new layerObj will be equal to the parent_map numlayers - 1. The parent_map arg is now optional and Layers can exist outside of a Map.
addFeature( shapeObj shape ) : int
Add a new inline feature on a layer. Returns -1 on error. TODO: Is this similar to inline features in a mapfile? Does it work for any kind of layer or connection type?
addProcessing( string directive ) : void
Adds a new processing directive line to a layer, similar to the PROCESSING directive in a map file. Processing directives supported are specific to the layer type and underlying renderer.
applySLD( string sld, string stylelayer ) : int
Apply the SLD document to the layer object. The matching between the sld document and the layer will be done using the layer’s name. If a namedlayer argument is passed (argument is optional), the NamedLayer in the sld that matchs it will be used to style the layer. See SLD HOWTO for more information on the SLD support.
applySLDURL( string sld, string stylelayer ) : int
Apply the SLD document pointed by the URL to the layer object. The matching between the sld document and the layer will be done using the layer’s name. If a namedlayer argument is passed (argument is optional), the NamedLayer in the sld that matchs it will be used to style the layer. See SLD HOWTO for more information on the SLD support.
clearProcessing() : int
Clears the layer’s raster processing directives. Returns the subsequent number of directives, which will equal MS_SUCCESS if the directives have been cleared.
clone() : layerObj
Return an independent copy of the layer with no parent map.
close() : void
Close the underlying layer.
convertToString() : string
Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for updateFromString. .. versionadded:: 6.4


demote() is removed in MapServer 4.4

draw( mapObj map, imageObj image ) : int
Renders this layer into the target image, adding labels to the cache if required. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE. TODO: Does the map need to be the map on which the layer is defined? I suspect so.
drawQuery( mapObj map, imageObj image ) :
Draw query map for a single layer into the target image. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
executeWFSGetFeature( layer ) : string
Executes a GetFeature request on a WFS layer and returns the name of the temporary GML file created. Returns an empty string on error.
generateSLD() : void
Returns an SLD XML string based on all the classes found in the layer (the layer must have STATUS on).
getClass( int i ) : classObj
Fetch the requested class object. Returns NULL if the class index is out of the legal range. The numclasses field contains the number of classes available, and the first class is index 0.
getExtent() : rectObj
Fetches the extents of the data in the layer. This normally requires a full read pass through the features of the layer and does not work for raster layers.
getFeature( int shapeindex [, int tileindex=-1 ] ) : shapeObj

Return the layer feature at shapeindex and tileindex.


getFeature has been removed as of version 6.0 and replaced by getShape

getFilterString() : string
Returns the current filter expression.
getFirstMetaDataKey() : string

Returns the first key in the metadata hash table. With getNextMetaDataKey(), provides an opaque iterator over keys.


getFirstMetaDataKey(), getMetaData(), and getNextMetaDataKey() are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Replaced by direct metadata access, see hashTableObj.

getItem( int i ) : string
Returns the requested item. Items are attribute fields, and this method returns the item name (field name). The numitems field contains the number of items available, and the first item is index zero.
getMetaData( string key ) : string

Return the value at key from the metadata hash table.


getFirstMetaDataKey(), getMetaData(), and getNextMetaDataKey() are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Replaced by direct metadata access, see hashTableObj.

getNextMetaDataKey( string lastkey ) : string

Returns the next key in the metadata hash table or NULL if lastkey is the last valid key. If lastkey is NULL, returns the first key of the metadata hash table.


getFirstMetaDataKey(), getMetaData(), and getNextMetaDataKey() are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Replaced by direct metadata access, see hashTableObj.

getNumFeatures() : int
Returns the number of inline features in a layer. TODO: is this really only online features or will it return the number of non-inline features on a regular layer?
getNumResults() : int
Returns the number of entries in the query result cache for this layer.
getProcessing( int index) : string
Return the raster processing directive at index.
getProjection( ) : string
Returns the PROJ.4 definition of the layer’s projection.
getResult( int i ) : resultCacheMemberObj
Fetches the requested query result cache entry, or NULL if the index is outside the range of available results. This method would normally only be used after issuing a query operation.
getResults() : resultCacheObj
Returns a reference to layer’s result cache. Should be NULL prior to any query, or after a failed query or query with no results.
getResultsBounds() : rectObj
Returns the bounds of the features in the result cache.
getShape( resultCacheMemberObj result ) : int
Get a shape from layer data. Argument is a result cache member from layerObj::getResult(i)
getWMSFeatureInfoURL( mapObj map, int click_x, int click_y, int feature_count, string info_format ) : string
Return a WMS GetFeatureInfo URL (works only for WMS layers) clickX, clickY is the location of to query in pixel coordinates with (0,0) at the top left of the image. featureCount is the number of results to return. infoFormat is the format the format in which the result should be requested. Depends on remote server’s capabilities. MapServer WMS servers support only “MIME” (and should support “GML.1” soon). Returns “” and outputs a warning if layer is not a WMS layer or if it is not queriable.
insertClass( classObj class [, int index=-1 ] ) : int
Insert a copy of the class into the layer at the requested index. Default index of -1 means insertion at the end of the array of classes. Returns the index at which the class was inserted.
isVisible( ) : int
Returns MS_TRUE or MS_FALSE after considering the layer status, minscaledenom, and maxscaledenom within the context of the parent map.
moveClassDown( int class ) : int
The class specified by the class index will be moved up into the array of layers. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE. ex. moveClassDown(1) will have the effect of moving class 1 down to position 2, and the class at position 2 will be moved to position 1.
moveClassUp( int class ) : int
The class specified by the class index will be moved up into the array of layers. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE. ex. moveClassUp(1) will have the effect of moving class 1 up to position 0, and the class at position 0 will be moved to position 1.
nextShape( ) : shapeObj

Called after msWhichShapes has been called to actually retrieve shapes within a given area returns a shape object or MS_FALSE

example of usage:

mapObj map = new mapObj("d:/msapps/gmap-ms40/htdocs/gmap75.map");
layerObj layer = map.getLayerByName('road');
int status = layer.open();
status = layer.whichShapes(map.extent);
shapeObj shape;
while ((shape = layer.nextShape()) != null)
open() : void
Opens the underlying layer. This is required before operations like getFeature() will work, but is not required before a draw or query call.


promote() is eliminated in MapServer 4.4.

queryByAttributes( mapObj map, string qitem, string qstring, int mode ) : int

Query layer for shapes that intersect current map extents. qitem is the item (attribute) on which the query is performed, and qstring is the expression to match. The query is performed on all the shapes that are part of a CLASS that contains a TEMPLATE value or that match any class in a layer that contains a LAYER TEMPLATE value.

Note that the layer’s FILTER/FILTERITEM are ignored by this function. Mode is MS_SINGLE or MS_MULTIPLE depending on number of results you want. Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if nothing was found or if some other error happened.

queryByFeatures( mapObj map, int slayer ) : int
Perform a query set based on a previous set of results from another layer. At present the results MUST be based on a polygon layer. Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if nothing was found or if some other error happened
queryByIndex( mapObj map, int shapeindex, int tileindex [, int bAddToQuery=MS_FALSE ]) : int
Pop a query result member into the layer’s result cache. By default clobbers existing cache. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
queryByPoint( mapObj map, pointObj point, int mode, float buffer ) : int
Query layer at point location specified in georeferenced map coordinates (i.e. not pixels). The query is performed on all the shapes that are part of a CLASS that contains a TEMPLATE value or that match any class in a layer that contains a LAYER TEMPLATE value. Mode is MS_SINGLE or MS_MULTIPLE depending on number of results you want. Passing buffer <=0 defaults to tolerances set in the map file (in pixels) but you can use a constant buffer (specified in ground units) instead. Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if nothing was found or if some other error happened.
queryByRect( mapObj map, rectObj rect ) : int
Query layer using a rectangle specified in georeferenced map coordinates (i.e. not pixels). The query is performed on all the shapes that are part of a CLASS that contains a TEMPLATE value or that match any class in a layer that contains a LAYER TEMPLATE value. Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if nothing was found or if some other error happened.
queryByShape( mapObj map, shapeObj shape ) : int
Query layer based on a single shape, the shape has to be a polygon at this point. Returns MS_SUCCESS if shapes were found or MS_FAILURE if nothing was found or if some other error happened
removeClass( int index ) : classObj
Removes the class indicated and returns a copy, or NULL in the case of a failure. Note that subsequent classes will be renumbered by this operation. The numclasses field contains the number of classes available.
removeMetaData( string key ) : int

Delete the metadata hash at key. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.


removeMetaData() is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Replaced by direct metadata access, see hashTableObj.

resultsGetShape(int shapeindex [, int tileindex = -1]) : shapeObj
Retrieve shapeObj from a layer’s resultset by index. Tileindex is optional and is used only for tiled shapefiles, Simply omit or pass tileindex = -1 for other data sources. Added in MapServer 5.6.0 due to the one-pass query implementation.
setConnectionType(int connectiontype, string library_str) : int
Changes the connectiontype of the layer and recreates the vtable according to the new connection type. This method should be used instead of setting the connectiontype parameter directly. In case when the layer.connectiontype = MS_PLUGIN the library_str parameter should also be specified so as to select the library to load by mapserver. For the other connection types this parameter is not used.
setExtent( float minx, float miny, float maxx, float maxy ) : int
Sets the extent of a layer. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setFilter( string filter ) : int
Sets a filter expression similarly to the FILTER expression in a map file. Returns MS_SUCCESS on success or MS_FAILURE if the expression fails to parse.
setMetaData( string key, string value ) : int

Assign value to the metadata hash at key. Return MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.


setMetaData() is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Replaced by direct metadata access, see hashTableObj.

setProcessingKey( string key, string value ) : void
Adds or replaces a processing directive of the form “key=value”. Unlike the addProcessing() call, this will replace an existing processing directive for the given key value. Processing directives supported are specific to the layer type and underlying renderer.
setProjection( string proj4 ) : int
Set the layer projection using a PROJ.4 format projection definition (ie. “+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84” or “init=EPSG:26911”). Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setWKTProjection( string wkt ) : int
Set the layer projection using OpenGIS Well Known Text format. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
whichShapes( rectObj rect ) : int
Performs a spatial, and optionally an attribute based feature search. The function basically prepares things so that candidate features can be accessed by query or drawing functions (eg using nextShape function). Returns MS_SUCCESS, MS_FAILURE or MS_DONE. MS_DONE is returned if the layer extent does not overlap rect.


legendObj is associated with mapObj:

+--------+ 0..1     1 +-----+
| Legend | <--------> | Map |
+--------+            +-----+

and with labelObj:

+--------+ 1        1 +-------+
| Legend | ---------> | Label |
+--------+            +-------+

legendObj Attributes

height : int
Legend height.
imagecolor : colorObj
Legend background color.
keysizex : int
Width in pixels of legend keys.
keysizey : int
keyspacingx : int
Horizontal padding around keys in pixels.
keyspacingy : int
Vertical padding.
label : labelObj immutable
legend label.
map : mapObj immutable
Reference to parent mapObj.
outlinecolor : colorObj
key outline color.
position : int
postlabelcache : int
status : int
template : string
Path to template file.
width : int
Label width.

legendObj Methods

convertToString() : string
Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for updateFromString. .. versionadded:: 6.4


A lineObj is composed of one or more pointObj instances:

+------+ 0..1  1..* +-------+
| Line | ---------> | Point |
+------+            +-------+

lineObj Attributes

numpoints : int immutable
Number of points in the line.

lineObj Methods

new lineObj( ) : lineObj
Create a new instance.
add(pointObj point) : int
Add point to the line. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
get(int index) : pointObj
Return reference to point at index.
project(projectionObj proj_in, projectionObj proj_out) : int
Transform line in place from proj_in to proj_out. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
set(int index, pointObj point) : int
Set the point at index to point. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.


A mapObj is primarily associated with instances of layerObj:

+-----+ 0..1  0..* +-------+
| Map | <--------> | Layer |
+-----+            +-------+

Secondary associations are with legendObj, scalebarObj, referenceMapObj:

+-----+ 1     0..1 +--------------+
| Map | ---------> | Legend       |
+-----+            | ------------ |
                   | Scalebar     |
                   | ------------ |
                   | ReferenceMap |


+-----+ 1     1..* +--------------+
| Map | ---------> | OutputFormat |
+-----+            +------------- +

mapObj Attributes

cellsize : float
Pixel size in map units.
configoptions : hashObj immutable
A hash table of configuration options from CONFIG keywords in the .map. Direct access to config options is discouraged. Use the setConfigOption() and getConfigOption() methods instead.
datapattern : string
TODO not sure this is meaningful for mapscript.
debug : int
extent : rectObj
Map’s spatial extent.
fontset : fontSetObj immutable
The map’s defined fonts.
height : int

Map’s output image height in pixels.


direct setting of height is deprecated in MapServer version 4.4. Users should set width and height simultaneously using setSize().

imagecolor : colorObj
Initial map background color.
imagequality : int

JPEG image quality.


map imagequality is deprecated in MapServer 4.4 and should instead be managed through map outputformats.

imagetype : string immutable
Name of the current output format.
interlace : int

Output image interlacing.


map interlace is deprecated in MapServer 4.4 and should instead be managed through map outputformats.

lablecache : labelCacheObj immutable
Map’s labelcache.
legend : legendObj immutable
Reference to map’s legend.
mappath : string
Filesystem path of the map’s mapfile.
maxsize : int
name : string
Unique identifier.
numlayers : int immutable
Number of map layers.
numoutputformats : int
The number of output formats currently configured on the map object. Can be used to iterate over the list of output formats with the getOutputFormat(idx) method (see below).
outputformat : outputFormatObj

The currently selected output format.


Map outputformat should not be modified directly. Use the selectOutputFormat() method to select named formats.

outputformatlist : outputFormatObj[]

Array of the available output formats.


Currently only available for C#. A proper typemaps should be implemented for the other languages.


As of 6.2 other languages can use the getoutputFormat(idx) and getNumoutputformats() functions to iterate over the format array.

querymap : queryMapObj immutable
TODO should this be exposed to mapscript?
reference : referenceMapObj immutable
Reference to reference map.
resolution : float
Nominal DPI resolution. Default is 72.
scalebar : scalebarObj immutable
Reference to the scale bar.
scaledenom : float
The nominal map scale. A value of 25000 means 1:25000 scale.
shapepath : string
Base filesystem path to layer data.
status : int
symbolset : symbolSetObj immutable
The map’s set of symbols.
templatepattern : string
TODO not sure this is meaningful for mapscript.
transparent : int



map transparent is deprecated in MapServer 4.4 and should instead be managed through map outputformats.

units : int
web : webObj immutable
Reference to map’s web definitions.
width : int

Map’s output image width in pixels.


direct setting of width is deprecated in MapServer version 4.4. Users should set width and height simultaneously using setSize().

mapObj Methods

new mapObj( [ string filename=’’ ] ) : mapObj
Create a new instance of mapObj. Note that the filename is now optional.
appendOutputFormat( outputFormatObj format ) : int
Attach format to the map’s output format list. Returns the updated number of output formats.
applyConfigOptions( ) : void
Apply the defined configuration options set by setConfigOption().
applySLD( string sldxml ) : int
Parse the SLD XML string sldxml and apply to map layers. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
applySLDURL( string sldurl ) : int
Fetch SLD XML from the URL sldurl and apply to map layers. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
clone( ) : mapObj

Returns a independent copy of the map, less any caches.


In the Java module this method is named ‘cloneMap’.

convertToString() : string
Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for updateFromString. .. versionadded:: 6.4
draw( ) : imageObj
Draw the map, processing layers according to their defined order and status. Return an imageObj.
drawLabelCache( imageObj image ) : int
Draw map’s label cache on image. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
drawLegend( ) : imageObj
Draw map legend, returning an imageObj.
drawQuery( ) : imageObj
Draw query map, returning an imageObj.
drawReferenceMap( ) : imageObj
Draw reference map, returning an imageObj.
drawScalebar( ) : imageObj
Draw scale bar, returning an imageObj.
embedLegend( imageObj image ) : int
Embed map’s legend in image. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
embedScalebar( imageObj image ) : int
Embed map’s scalebar in image. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
freeQuery( [ int qlayer=-1 ] ) : void
Clear layer query result caches. Default is -1, or all layers.
generateSLD( ) : string
Return SLD XML as a string for map layers that have STATUS on.
getConfigOption( string key ) : string
Fetches the value of the requested configuration key if set. Returns NULL if the key is not set.
getFirstMetaDataKey( ) : string
Returns the first key in the web.metadata hash table. With getNextMetaDataKey( ), provides an opaque iterator over keys.
getLabel( int labelindex ) : labelCacheMemberObj
Return label at specified index from the map’s labelcache.
getLayer( int index ) : layerObj
Returns a reference to the layer at index.
getLayerByName( string name ) : layerObj
Returns a reference to the named layer.
getLayersDrawingOrder( ) : int*

Returns an array of layer indexes in drawing order.


Unless the proper typemap is implemented for the module’s language a user is more likely to get back an unusable SWIG pointer to the integer array.

getMetaData( string key ) : string
Return the value at key from the web.metadata hash table.
getNextMetaDataKey( string lastkey ) : string
Returns the next key in the web.metadata hash table or NULL if lastkey is the last valid key. If lastkey is NULL, returns the first key of the metadata hash table.
getNumSymbols( ) : int
Return the number of symbols in map.
getOutputFormat(int i): outputFormatObj
Returns the output format at the specified i index from the output formats array or null if i is beyond the array bounds. The number of outpuFormats can be retrieved by calling getNumoutputformats.
getOutputFormatByName( string imagetype ) : outputFormatObj
Return the output format corresponding to driver name imagetype or to format name imagetype. This works exactly the same as the IMAGETYPE directive in a mapfile, is case insensitive and allows an output format to be found either by driver (like ‘GD/PNG’) or name (like ‘PNG24’).
getProjection( ) : string
Returns the PROJ.4 definition of the map’s projection.
getSymbolByName( string name ) : int

Return the index of the named symbol in the map’s symbolset.


This method is poorly named and too indirect. It is preferable to use the getSymbolByName method of symbolSetObj, which really does return a symbolObj reference, or use the index method of symbolSetObj to get a symbol’s index number.

insertLayer( layerObj layer [, int nIndex=-1 ] ) : int
Insert a copy of layer into the Map at index nIndex. The default value of nIndex is -1, which means the last possible index. Returns the index of the new Layer, or -1 in the case of a failure.
loadMapContext( string filename [, int useUniqueNames=MS_FALSE ] ) : int
Load an OGC map context file to define extents and layers of a map.
loadOWSParameters( OWSRequest request [, string version=‘1.1.1’ ] ) : int
Load OWS request parameters (BBOX, LAYERS, &c.) into map. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
loadQuery( string filename ) : int
Load a saved query. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
moveLayerDown( int layerindex ) : int
Move the layer at layerindex down in the drawing order array, meaning that it is drawn later. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
moveLayerUp( int layerindex ) : int
Move the layer at layerindex up in the drawing order array, meaning that it is drawn earlier. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
nextLabel( ) : labelCacheMemberObj

Return the next label from the map’s labelcache, allowing iteration over labels.


nextLabel() is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Replaced by getLabel().

OWSDispatch( OWSRequest req ) : int
Processes and executes the passed OpenGIS Web Services request on the map. Returns MS_DONE (2) if there is no valid OWS request in the req object, MS_SUCCESS (0) if an OWS request was successfully processed and MS_FAILURE (1) if an OWS request was not successfully processed. OWS requests include WMS, WFS, WCS and SOS requests supported by MapServer. Results of a dispatched request are written to stdout and can be captured using the msIO services (ie. msIO_installStdoutToBuffer() and msIO_getStdoutBufferString())
prepareImage( ) : imageObj
Returns an imageObj initialized to map extents and outputformat.
prepareQuery( ) : void
TODO this function only calculates the scale or am I missing something?
processLegendTemplate( string names[], string values[], int numitems ) : string

Process MapServer legend template and return HTML.


None of the three template processing methods will be usable unless the proper typemaps are implemented in the module for the target language. Currently the typemaps are not implemented.

processQueryTemplate( string names[], string values[], int numitems ) : string

Process MapServer query template and return HTML.


None of the three template processing methods will be usable unless the proper typemaps are implemented in the module for the target language. Currently the typemaps are not implemented.

processTemplate( int generateimages, string names[], string values[], int numitems ) : string

Process MapServer template and return HTML.


None of the three template processing methods will be usable unless the proper typemaps are implemented in the module for the target language. Currently the typemaps are not implemented.

queryByFeatures( int layerindex ) : int
Query map layers, result sets contain features that intersect or are contained within the features in the result set of the MS_LAYER_POLYGON type layer at layerindex. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
queryByPoint( pointObj point, int mode, float buffer ) : int
Query map layers, result sets contain one or more features, depending on mode, that intersect point within a tolerance buffer. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
queryByRect( rectObj rect ) : int
Query map layers, result sets contain features that intersect or are contained within rect. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
queryByShape( shapeObj shape ) : int
Query map layers, result sets contain features that intersect or are contained within shape. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
removeLayer( int index ) : int
Remove the layer at index.
removeMetaData( string key ) : int
Delete the web.metadata hash at key. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
removeOutputFormat( string name ) : int
Removes the format named name from the map’s output format list. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
save( string filename ) : int
Save map to disk as a new map file. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
saveMapContext( string filename ) : int
Save map definition to disk as OGC-compliant XML. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
saveQuery( string filename ) : int
Save query to disk. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
saveQueryAsGML( string filename ) : int
Save query to disk. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
selectOutputFormat( string imagetype ) : void
Set the map’s active output format to the internal format named imagetype. Built-in formats are “PNG”, “PNG24”, “JPEG”, “GIF”, “GTIFF”.
setConfigOption( string key, string value ) : void
Set the indicated key configuration option to the indicated value. Equivalent to including a CONFIG keyword in a map file.
setExtent( float minx, float miny, float maxx, float maxy ) : int
Set the map extent, returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE. This method will correct the extents (width/height ratio) before setting the minx,miny,maxx,maxy values. See extent properties to set up a custom extent from rectObj.
offsetExtent( float x, float y) : int
Offset the map extent based on the given distances in map coordinates, returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
scaleExtent( float zoomfactor, float minscaledenom, float maxscaledenom) : int
Scale the map extent using the zoomfactor and ensure the extent within the minscaledenom and maxscaledenom domain. If minscaledenom and/or maxscaledenom is 0 then the parameter is not taken into account. returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setCenter( pointObj center ) : int
Set the map center to the given map point, returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setFontSet( string filename ) : int
Load fonts defined in filename into map fontset. The existing fontset is cleared. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setImageType( string name ) : void

Sets map outputformat to the named format.


setImageType() remains in the module but it’s use is deprecated in favor of selectOutputFormat().

setLayersDrawingOrder( int layerindexes[]) : int

Set map layer drawing order.


Unless the proper typemap is implemented for the module’s language users will not be able to pass arrays or lists to this method and it will be unusable.

setMetaData( string key, string value ) : int
Assign value to the web.metadata hash at key. Return MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setOutputFormat( outputFormatObj format ) : void
Sets map outputformat.
setProjection( string proj4 ) : int
Set map projection from PROJ.4 definition string proj4.
setRotation( float rotation_angle ) : int
Set map rotation angle. The map view rectangle (specified in EXTENTS) will be rotated by the indicated angle in the counter- clockwise direction. Note that this implies the rendered map will be rotated by the angle in the clockwise direction. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setSize( int width, int height ) : int
Set map’s image width and height together and carry out the necessary subsequent geotransform computation. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setSymbolSet( string filename ) : int
Load symbols defined in filename into map symbolset. The existing symbolset is cleared. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setWKTProjection( string wkt ) : int
Sets map projection from OGC definition wkt.
zoomPoint( int zoomfactor, pointObj imgpoint, int width, int height, rectObj extent, rectObj maxextent ) : int
Zoom by zoomfactor to imgpoint in pixel units within the image of height and width dimensions and georeferenced extent. Zooming can be constrained to a maximum maxextent. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
zoomRectangle( rectObj imgrect, int width, int height, rectObj extent,

rectObj maxextent ) : int Zoom to a pixel coordinate rectangle in the image of width and height dimensions and georeferencing extent. Zooming can be constrained to a maximum maxextent. The imgrect rectangle contains the coordinates of the LL and UR coordinates in pixel: the maxy in the rect object should be < miny value. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE:

------- UR (values in the rect object : maxx, maxy)
|     |
|     |
|     |
LL (values in the rectobject minx, miny)
zoomScale( float scale, pointObj imgpoint, int width, int height, rectObj extent, rectObj maxextent) : int
Like the previous methods, but zooms to the point at a specified scale.


An individual marker. The markerCacheMemberObj class is associated with labelCacheObj:

+------------------+ 0..*     1 +------------+
| MarkerCacheMember | <--------- | LabelCache |
+------------------+            +------------+

markerCacheMemberObj Attributes

id : int immutable
Id of the marker.
poly : shapeObj immutable
Marker bounding box.

markerCacheMemberObj Methods



An outputFormatObj is associated with a mapObj:

+--------------+ 1..*     1 +-----+
| OutputFormat | <--------- | Map |
+--------------+            +-----+

and can also be an attribute of an imageObj.

outputFormatObj Attributes

bands : int
The number of bands in the raster. Only used for the “raw” modes, MS_IMAGEMODE_BYTE, MS_IMAGEMODE_INT16, and MS_IMAGEMODE_FLOAT32. Normally set via the BAND_COUNT formatoption ... this field should be considered read-only.
driver : string
A string such as ‘GD/PNG’ or ‘GDAL/GTiff’.
extension : string
Format file extension such as ‘png’.
imagemode : int
mimetype : string
Format mimetype such as ‘image/png’.
name : string
A unique identifier.
numformatoptions: int
The number of option values set on this format. Can be used to iterate over the options array in conjunction with getOptionAt
renderer : int
MS_RENDER_WITH_GD, MS_RENDER_WITH_SWF, MS_RENDER_WITH_RAWDATA, MS_RENDER_WITH_PDF, or MS_RENDER_WITH_IMAGEMAP. Normally set internally based on the driver and some other setting in the constructor.
transparent : int

outputFormatObj Methods

new outputFormatObj( string driver [, string name=driver ] ) : outputFormatObj
Create new instance. If name is not provided, the value of driver is used as a name.
getOption( string key [, string defaultvalue=”” ] ) : string
Return the format option at key or defaultvalue if key is not a valid hash index.
getOptionAt(int idx): string
Returns the option at idx or null if the index is beyond the array bounds. The option is returned as the original KEY=VALUE string. The number of available options can be obtained by calling getNumformatoptions.
setExtension( string extension ) : void
Set file extension for output format such as ‘png’ or ‘jpg’. Method could probably be deprecated since the extension attribute is mutable.
setMimetype( string mimetype ) : void
Set mimetype for output format such as ‘image/png’ or ‘image/jpeg’. Method could probably be deprecated since the mimetype attribute is mutable.
setOption( string key, string value ) : void
Set the format option at key to value. Format options are mostly driver specific.
validate() : int
Checks some internal consistency issues, and returns MS_TRUE if things are OK and MS_FALSE if there are problems. Some problems are fixed up internally. May produce debug output if issues encountered.


Not associated with other mapscript classes. Serves as a message intermediary between an application and MapServer’s OWS capabilities. Using it permits creation of lightweight WMS services:

wms_map = mapscript.mapObj('wms.map')
wms_request = mapscript.OWSRequest()

# Convert application request parameters (req.args)
for param, value in req.args.items():
    wms_request.setParam(param, value)

# Map loads parameters from OWSRequest, adjusting its SRS, extents,
# active layers accordingly
wms_map.loadWMSRequest('1.1.0', wms_request)

# Render the Map
img = wms_map.draw()

OWSRequest Attributes

NumParams : int immutable
Number of request parameters. Eventually should be changed to numparams lowercase like other attributes.
postrequest : string
type : int

OWSRequest Methods

new OWSRequest( ) : OWSRequest

Create a new instance.


MapServer’s OWSRequest supports only single valued parameters.

addParameter( string name, string value ) : void

Add a request parameter, even if the parameter key was previousely set. This is useful when multiple parameters with the same key are required. For example:

request.addParameter('SIZE', 'x(100)')
request.addParameter('SIZE', 'y(100)')
getName( int index ) : string
Return the name of the parameter at index in the request’s array of parameter names.
getValue( int index ) : string
Return the value of the parameter at index in the request’s array of parameter values.
getValueByName( string name) : string
Return the value associated with the parameter name.
loadParams() : int
Initializes the OWSRequest object from the cgi environment variables REQUEST_METHOD, QUERY_STRING and HTTP_COOKIE. Returns the number of name/value pairs collected. Warning: most errors will result in a process exit!
loadParamsFromURL( string url ) : int
Initializes the OWSRequest object from the provided URL which is treated like a QUERY_STRING. Note that REQUEST_METHOD=GET and no post data is assumed in this case. This method was added in MapServer 6.0.
setParameter( string name, string value ) : void

Set a request parameter. For example:

request.setParameter('REQUEST', 'GetMap')
request.setParameter('BBOX', '-107.0,40.0,-106.0,41.0')


A pointObj instance may be associated with a lineObj:

+-------+ 1..*  0..1 +------+
| Point | <--------- | Line |
+-------+            +------+

pointObj Attributes

m : float
Measure. Meaningful only for measured shapefiles. Given value -2e38 if not otherwise assigned to indicate “nodata”.
x : float
y : float
z : float

pointObj Methods

new pointObj( [ float x=0.0, float y=0.0, float z=0.0, float m=-2e38 ] ) : pointObj
Create new instance. Easting, northing, and measure arguments are optional.
distanceToPoint( pointObj point ) : float
Returns the distance to point.
distanceToSegment( pointObj point1, pointObj point2 ) : float
Returns the minimum distance to a hypothetical line segment connecting point1 and point2.
distanceToShape( shapeObj shape ) : float
Returns the minimum distance to shape.
draw( mapObj map, layerObj layer, imageObj image, int classindex, string text ) : int
Draw the point using the styles defined by the classindex class of layer and labeled with string text. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
project( projectionObj proj_in, projectionObj proj_out ) : int
Reproject point from proj_in to proj_out. Transformation is done in place. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setXY( float x, float y [, float m=2e-38 ] ) : int
Set spatial coordinate and, optionally, measure values simultaneously. The measure will be set only if the value of m is greater than the ESRI measure no-data value of 1e-38. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setXYZ( float x, float y, float z [, float m=-2e38 ] ) : int
Set spatial coordinate and, optionally, measure values simultaneously. The measure will be set only if the value of m is greater than the ESRI measure no-data value of -1e38. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setXYZM( float x, float y, float z, float m ) : int
Set spatial coordinate and, optionally, measure values simultaneously. The measure will be set only if the value of m is greater than the ESRI measure no-data value of -1e38. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
toShape() : shapeObj
Convience method to quickly turn a point into a shapeObj.
toString() : string

Return a string formatted like:

{ 'x': %f , 'y': %f, 'z': %f }

with the coordinate values substituted appropriately. Python users can get the same effect via the pointObj __str__ method:

>>> p = mapscript.pointObj(1, 1)
>>> str(p)
{ 'x': 1.000000 , 'y': 1.000000, 'z': 1.000000 }


This class is not really fully implemented yet. MapServer’s Maps and Layers have Projection attributes, and these are C projectionObj structures, but are not directly exposed by the mapscript module. Currently we have to do some round-a-bout logic like this:


to project a point from map to layer reference system.

projectionObj Attributes

numargs : int immutable
Number of PROJ.4 arguments.

projectionObj Methods

new projectionObj( string proj4 ) : projectionObj
Create new instance of projectionObj. Input parameter proj4 is a PROJ.4 definition string such as “init=EPSG:4269”.
getUnits() : int
Returns the units of a projection object. Returns -1 on error.


A rectObj may be a lone object or an attribute of another object and has no other associations.

rectObj Attributes

maxx : float
Maximum easting
maxy : float
Maximum northing
minx : float
Minimum easting
miny : float
Minimum northing

rectObj Methods

new rectObj( [ float minx=-1.0, float miny=-1.0, float maxx=-1.0, float maxy=-1.0, int imageunits=MS_FALSE ] ) : rectObj
Create new instance. The four easting and northing arguments are optional and default to -1.0. Note the new optional fifth argument which allows creation of rectangles in image (pixel/line) units which are also tested for validity.
draw( mapObj map, layerObj layer, imageObj img, int classindex, string text ) : int
Draw rectangle into img using style defined by the classindex class of layer. The rectangle is labeled with the string text. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
getCenter() : pointObj
Return the center point of the rectagle.
project( projectionObj proj_in, projectionObj proj_out ) : int
Reproject rectangle from proj_in to proj_out. Transformation is done in place. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
toPolygon() : shapeObj
Convert to a polygon of five vertices.
toString() : string

Return a string formatted like:

{ 'minx': %f , 'miny': %f , 'maxx': %f , 'maxy': %f }

with the bounding values substituted appropriately. Python users can get the same effect via the rectObj __str__ method:

>>> r = mapscript.rectObj(0, 0, 1, 1)
>>> str(r)
{ 'minx': 0 , 'miny': 0 , 'maxx': 1 , 'maxy': 1 }


A referenceMapObj is associated with mapObj:

+--------------+ 0..1     1 +-----+
| ReferenceMap | <--------> | Map |
+--------------+            +-----+

referenceMapObj Attributes

color : colorObj
Color of reference box.
extent : rectObj
Spatial extent of reference in units of parent map.
height : int
Height of reference map in pixels.
image : string
Filename of reference map image.
map : mapObj immutable
Reference to parent mapObj.
marker : int
Index of a symbol in the map symbol set to use for marker.
markername : string
Name of a symbol.
markersize : int
Size of marker.
maxboxsize : int
minboxsize : int
outlinecolor : colorObj
Outline color of reference box.
status : int
width : int
In pixels.

referenceMapObj Methods

convertToString() : string
Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for updateFromString. .. versionadded:: 6.4


Has no associations with other MapScript classes and has no methods. By using several indexes, a resultCacheMemberObj refers to a single layer feature.

resultCacheMemberObj Attributes

classindex : int immutable
The index of the layer class into which the feature has been classified.
shapeindex : int immutable
Index of the feature within the layer.
tileindex : int immutable
Meaningful for tiled layers only, index of the shapefile data tile.


See querying-HOWTO.txt for extra guidance in using the new 4.4 query API.

resultCacheObj Attributes

bounds : rectObj immutable
Bounding box of query results.
numresults : int immutable
Length of result set.

resultCacheObj Methods

getResult( int i ) : resultCacheMemberObj
Returns the result at index i, like layerObj::getResult, or NULL if index is outside the range of results.


A scalebarObj is associated with mapObj:

+----------+ 0..1     1 +-----+
| Scalebar | <--------- | Map |
+----------+            +-----+

and also with labelObj:

+----------+ 1        1 +-------+
| Scalebar | ---------> | Label |
+----------+            +-------+

scalebarObj Attributes

backgroundcolor : colorObj
Scalebar background color.
color : colorObj
Scalebar foreground color.
height : int
imagecolor : colorObj
Background color of scalebar.
intervals : int
Number of intervals.
label : labelObj
Scalebar label.
outlinecolor : colorObj
Foreground outline color.
position : int
postlabelcache : int
status : int
style : int
0 or 1.
units : int
See MS_UNITS in mapserver.h.
width : int

scalebarObj Methods

convertToString() : string
Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for updateFromString. .. versionadded:: 6.4


shapefileObj Attributes

bounds : rectObj
Extent of shapes.
numshapes : int
Number of shapes.
type : int
See mapshape.h for values of type.

shapefileObj Methods

new shapefileObj( string filename [, int type=-1 ] ) : shapefileObj
Create a new instance. Omit the type argument or use a value of -1 to open an existing shapefile.
add( shapeObj shape ) : int
Add shape to the shapefile. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
get( int i, shapeObj shape ) : int
Get the shapefile feature from index i and store it in shape. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
getShape( int i ) : shapeObj
Returns the shapefile feature at index i. More efficient than get.



Each feature of a layer’s data is a shapeObj. Each part of the shape is a closed lineObj:

+-------+ 1    1..* +------+
| Shape | --------> | Line |
+-------+           +------+

shapeObj Attributes

bounds : rectObj
Bounding box of shape.
classindex : int
The class index for features of a classified layer.
index : int
Feature index within the layer.
numlines : int immutable
Number of parts.
numvalues : int immutable
Number of shape attributes.
text : string
Shape annotation.
tileindex : int
Index of tiled file for tileindexed layers.
type : int

shapeObj Methods

new shapeObj( int type ) : shapeObj
Return a new shapeObj of the specified type. See the type attribute above. No attribute values created by default. initValues should be explicitly called to create the required number of values.
add( lineObj line ) : int
Add line (i.e. a part) to the shape. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
boundary() : shapeObj
Returns the boundary of the existing shape. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure.
buffer( int distance ) : shapeObj
Returns a new buffered shapeObj based on the supplied distance (given in the coordinates of the existing shapeObj). Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure.
clone() : shapeObj
Return an independent copy of the shape.
contains( pointObj point ) : int
Returns MS_TRUE if the point is inside the shape, MS_FALSE otherwise.
contains( shapeObj shape2 ) : int
Returns MS_TRUE if shape2 is entirely within the shape. Returns -1 on error and MS_FALSE otherwise. Requires GEOS support.
convexHull() : shapeObj
Returns the convex hull of the existing shape. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure.
copy( shapeObj shape_copy ) : int
Copy the shape to shape_copy. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
crosses( shapeObj shape2 ) : int
Returns MS_TRUE if shape2 crosses the shape. Returns -1 on error and MS_FALSE otherwise. Requires GEOS support.
difference( shapeObj shape ) : shapeObj
Returns the computed difference of the supplied and existing shape. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure.
disjoint( shapeObj shape2 ) : int
Returns MS_TRUE if shape2 and the shape are disjoint. Returns -1 on error and MS_FALSE otherwise. Requires GEOS support.
distanceToPoint( pointObj point ) : float
Return distance to point.
distanceToShape( shapeObj shape ) : float
Return the minimum distance to shape.
draw( mapObj map, layerObj layer, imageObj img ) : int
Draws the individual shape using layer. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
equals( shapeObj shape2 ) : int
Returns MS_TRUE if the shape and shape2 are equal (geometry only). Returns -1 on error and MS_FALSE otherwise. Requires GEOS support.
fromWKT( char \*wkt ) : shapeObj
Returns a new shapeObj based on a well-known text representation of a geometry. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure.
get( int index ) : lineObj
Returns a reference to part at index. Reference is valid only during the life of the shapeObj.
getArea() : double
Returns the area of the shape (if applicable). Requires GEOS support.
getCentroid() : pointObj
Returns the centroid for the existing shape. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure.
getLength() : double
Returns the length (or perimeter) of a shape. Requires GEOS support.
getValue( int i ) : string
Return the shape attribute at index i.
initValues( int numvalues ) : void
Allocates memory for the requested number of values.
intersects( shapeObj shape ) : int

Returns MS_TRUE if the two shapes intersect, MS_FALSE otherwise.


Does not require GEOS support but will use GEOS functions if available.

intersection( shapeObj shape ) : shapeObj
Returns the computed intersection of the supplied and existing shape. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure.
overlaps( shapeObj shape2 ) : int
Returns MS_TRUE if shape2 overlaps shape. Returns -1 on error and MS_FALSE otherwise. Requires GEOS support.
project( projectionObj proj_in, projectionObj proj_out ) : int
Reproject shape from proj_in to proj_out. Transformation is done in place. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.
setBounds : void

Must be called to calculate new bounding box after new parts have been added.

TODO: should return int and set msSetError.

setValue( int i, string value ) : int
Set the shape value at index i to value.
simplify( double tolerance ): shapeObj
Given a tolerance, returns a simplified shape object or NULL on error. Requires GEOS support (>=3.0).
symDifference( shapeObj shape ) : shapeObj
Returns the computed symmetric difference of the supplied and existing shape. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure.
topologySimplifyPreservingSimplify( double tolerance ): shapeObj
Given a tolerance, returns a simplified shape object or NULL on error. Requires GEOS support (>=3.0).
touches( shapeObj shape2 ) : int
Returns MS_TRUE if the shape and shape2 touch. Returns -1 on error and MS_FALSE otherwise. Requires GEOS support.
toWKT() : string
Returns the well-known text representation of a shapeObj. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure.
Union( shapeObj shape ) : shapeObj
Returns the union of the existing and supplied shape. Shapes must be of the same type. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure.
within( shapeObj shape2 ) : int
Returns MS_TRUE if the shape is entirely within shape2. Returns -1 on error and MS_FALSE otherwise. Requires GEOS support.


An instance of styleObj is associated with one instance of classObj:

+-------+ 0..*    1 +-------+
| Style | <-------- | Class |
+-------+           +-------+

An instance of styleObj can exist outside of a classObj container and be explicitly inserted into the classObj for use in mapping:

new_style = new styleObj()

It is important to understand that insertStyle inserts a copy of the styleObj instance, not a reference to the instance itself.

The older use case:

new_style = new styleObj(the_class)

remains supported. These will be the only ways to access the styles of a class. Programmers should no longer directly access the styles attribute.

styleObj Attributes

angle : double
Angle, given in degrees, to draw the line work. Default is 0. For symbols of Type HATCH, this is the angle of the hatched lines.
angleitem : string

Застаріло починаючи з версії 5.0: Use setBinding.

backgroundcolor : colorObj
Background pen color.
color : colorObj
Foreground or fill pen color.
mincolor : colorObj
Attribute for Color Range Mapping (MS RFC 6: Color Range Mapping of Continuous Feature Values). mincolor, minvalue, maxcolor, maxvalue define the range for mapping a continuous feature value to a continuous range of colors when rendering the feature on the map.
minsize : int
Minimum pen or symbol width for scaling styles.
minvalue : double
Attribute for Color Range Mapping (MS RFC 6: Color Range Mapping of Continuous Feature Values). mincolor, minvalue, maxcolor, maxvalue define the range for mapping a continuous feature value to a continuous range of colors when rendering the feature on the map.
minwidth : int
Minimum width of the symbol.
maxcolor : colorObj
Attribute for Color Range Mapping (MS RFC 6: Color Range Mapping of Continuous Feature Values). mincolor, minvalue, maxcolor, maxvalue define the range for mapping a continuous feature value to a continuous range of colors when rendering the feature on the map.
maxsize : int
Maximum pen or symbol width for scaling.
maxvalue : double
Attribute for Color Range Mapping (MS RFC 6: Color Range Mapping of Continuous Feature Values). mincolor, minvalue, maxcolor, maxvalue define the range for mapping a continuous feature value to a continuous range of colors when rendering the feature on the map.
maxwidth : int
Maximum width of the symbol.
offsetx : int
Draw with pen or symbol offset from map data.
offsety : int
Draw with pen or symbol offset from map data.
outlinecolor : colorObj
Outline pen color.
pattern : array of double values
List of on, off values to define a dash pattern for line work (lines, polygon outlines, hatch lines, ...)
patternlength : int
Number of elements in the pattern attribute.
rangeitem : string
Attribute/field that stores the values for the Color Range Mapping (MS RFC 6: Color Range Mapping of Continuous Feature Values).
size : int
Pixel width of the style’s pen or symbol.
sizeitem : string

Застаріло починаючи з версії 5.0: Use setBinding.

symbol : int
The index within the map symbolset of the style’s symbol.
symbolname : string immutable
Name of the style’s symbol.
width : int
Width refers to the thickness of line work drawn, in pixels. Default is 1. For symbols of Type HATCH, the with is how thick the hatched lines are.

styleObj Methods

new styleObj( [ classObj parent_class ] ) : styleObj
Returns new default style Obj instance. The parent_class is optional.
clone : styleObj
Returns an independent copy of the style with no parent class.
convertToString() : string
Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for updateFromString. .. versionadded:: 6.4
getBinding( int binding ) : string
Get the attribute binding for a specified style property. Returns NULL if there is no binding for this property.
removeBinding( int binding ) : int
Remove the attribute binding for a specfiled style property.
setBinding ( int binding, string item ) : int

Set the attribute binding for a specified style property. Binding constants look like this: MS_STYLE_BINDING_[attribute name]:

setBinding(MS_STYLE_BINDING_SIZE, 'mySizeItem');
setSymbolByName(mapObj map, string symbolname) : int
Setting the symbol of the styleObj given the reference of the map object and the symbol name.
updateFromString ( string snippet ) : int
Update a style from a string snippet. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE.


A symbolObj is associated with one symbolSetObj:

+--------+ 0..*    1 +-----------+
| Symbol | <-------- | SymbolSet |
+--------+           +-----------+

A styleObj will often refer to a symbolObj by name or index, but this is not really an object association, is it?

symbolObj Attributes

antialias : int
character : string
For TrueType symbols.
filled : int
font : string
For TrueType symbols.
gap : int
Moved to STYLE
imagepath : string
Path to pixmap file.
inmapfile : int
If set to TRUE, the symbol will be saved inside the mapfile. Added in MapServer 5.6.1
linecap : int
Moved to STYLE
linejoin : int
Moved to STYLE
linejoinmaxsize : float
Moved to STYLE
name : string
Symbol name
numpoints : int immutable
Number of points of a vector symbol.
position : int
No more available?
sizex : float
TODO what is this?
sizey : float
TODO what is this?
stylelength : int
Number of intervals
transparent : int
TODO what is this?
transparentcolor : int
TODO is this a derelict attribute?
type : int

symbolObj Methods

new symbolObj( string symbolname [, string imagefile ] ) : symbolObj
Create new default symbol named name. If imagefile is specified, then the symbol will be of type MS_SYMBOL_PIXMAP.
getImage() : imageObj
Returns a pixmap symbol’s imagery as an imageObj.
getPoints() : lineObj
Returns the symbol points as a lineObj.
setImage( imageObj image ) : int
Set a pixmap symbol’s imagery from image.
setPoints( lineObj line ) : int
Sets the symbol points from the points of line. Returns the updated number of points.
setStyle( int index, int value ) : int
Set the style at index to value. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.


A symbolSetObj is an attribute of a mapObj and is associated with instances of symbolObj:

+-----------+ 1    0..* +--------+
| SymbolSet | --------> | Symbol |
+-----------+           +--------+

symbolSetObj Attributes

filename : string
Symbolset filename
numsymbols : int immutable
Number of symbols in the set.

symbolSetObj Methods

new symbolSetObj( [ string symbolfile ] ) : symbolSetObj
Create new instance. If symbolfile is specified, symbols will be loaded from the file.
appendSymbol( symbolObj symbol ) : int
Add a copy of symbol to the symbolset and return its index.
getSymbol( int index ) : symbolObj
Returns a reference to the symbol at index.
getSymbolByName( string name ) : symbolObj
Returns a reference to the symbol named name.
index( string name ) : int
Return the index of the symbol named name or -1 in the case that no such symbol is found.
removeSymbol( int index ) : symbolObj
Remove the symbol at index and return a copy of the symbol.
save( string filename ) : int
Save symbol set to a file. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE.


Has no other existence than as an attribute of a mapObj. Serves as a container for various run-time web application definitions like temporary file paths, template paths, etc.

webObj Attributes

empty : string
error : string
extent : rectObj
Clipping extent.
footer : string
Path to footer document.
header : string
Path to header document.
imagepath : string
Filesystem path to temporary image location.
imageurl : string
URL to temporary image location.
log : string
map : mapObj immutable
Reference to parent mapObj.
maxscaledenom : float
Minimum map scale.
maxtemplate : string
metadata : hashTableObj immutable
metadata hash table.
minscaledenom : float
Maximum map scale.
mintemplate : string
queryformat : string
template : string
Path to template document.

webObj Methods

convertToString() : string
Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for updateFromString. .. versionadded:: 6.4