V8 MapScript Support

Author:Alan Boudreault


The V8/MapScript cannot be used as its own like other mapscripts. V8 is currently used internally to add 2 functionalities:

These instructions are for Unix/Linux users.

Version of V8 supported

You have to use v8 3.20, which is the version of the nodejs release:0.11.7. For future compatibility, this is a good thing to be synchronized to nodejs project.

Obtaining, Compiling, and Installing V8 and V8/MapScript

Download and Compile V8

  • The V8 source can be obtained from the v8 website.

Download v8:

git clone git://github.com/v8/v8.git v8

Compile the v8 library:

cd v8
git checkout 3.20
make dependencies
library=shared make -j8 x64.release


Use ia32.release if you are using a 32bits machine.

Install the v8 library and include headers:

mkdir -p /opt/v8/lib && cp ./out/x64.release/lib.target/libv8.so /opt/v8/lib
mkdir /opt/v8/include && cp include/v8* /opt/v8/include


Modify the library path if needed (32bits)

Setup the v8 lib in the system paths:

echo "/opt/v8/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/v8.conf

Compile MapServer with V8 Support


cd mapserver
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/v8 -DWITH_V8=yes ..

Compile and install: (from the build directory)

make install

Verify the V8 support:

/path/to/mapserv -v

You should see: SUPPORTS=V8. You can now refer to the following pages to try the javascript functionalities: